Now two months into mommy-hood, and I have come to several realizations. First, I completely understand what everyone was talking about when they tell you that you'll love this little person more than you know. I somehow manage to love her a little more every day as she grows and changes. Second, I don't find her crying annoying, instead I want to find out the problem and fix it and help her feel good again. I'm happy to walk around at all hours of the day with her in a sling if it soothes her, talk to her non-stop about what I'm doing and seeing if it helps her development, and wake up several times at night to be sure her tiny tummy is filled. I stare in wonder at this tiny person and think: I made this! I'm responsible for this! It's both exhilarating and terrifying.

For the first few weeks of her life, Eleanor slept nearly all day and all night. It was all I could do not the poke her awake to get some interaction and see those huge baby blues. Around week 5, she was awake a bit more during the day and we started to read books, set a bedtime routine, and take long walks. I originally had ambitions to sign her up for several stimulating classes and engage in weekly lunch dates with friends. And although she can fall asleep in a carseat or stroller, her naps when I'm out and about aren't as deep or restorative as when she gets a good long 3 hour nap on my chest at home and wakes up on her own cheery and smiley.
And so I've decided these first few months when Eleanor is a newborn and sleeping most of the time, our days are best spent just settling in. She is my first, and never again will I get day-long cuddles where I have nothing that needs doing besides holding her, feeding her and caring for her. I decided to wait on signing up for classes or meet-ups until she has more of a schedule and can stay awake for longer periods of time. We take walks together to get out of the house and run errands occasionally, but mostly we're just savoring these important moments. Every day she grows and changes a little more. Just the other day she squealed with delight at hitting a hanging animal on her bouncer and I soaked it in. Her babbling is getting more varied and I love our "conversations". When awake, her large, saucer like eyes are constantly looking, learning and absorbing the world. It is incredible to watch.
Summer babies are the best for taking walks
What brought about this idea of just 'settling in' for me was at her 6 week check Eleanor was struggling to gain weight because of the harness she is in for her hip dysplasia. I was passionate about continuing to breastfeed so a dear friend recommended we just settle in, stay home, and focus 100% on her. I agreed, and we did tons of skin-to-skin as she spent her days snuggling on my chest, feeding in her sleep happy and content and I watched movies. In two days she gained 100 grams! And amazingly I didn't feel the least bit guilty about the dishes in the sink or not running off to exercise every evening. I even let go of my expectations to try to drop the "baby weight" and go back to eating 100% healthy. My maternity jeans are comfortable, the chocolate is delicious and she doesn't care what I look like. There will be time for all of that later when she's older and needs me less. But right now? She is 100% reliant on me and Paul to do everything for her so she is where I will put my energy and time

Snuggling and sleeping
Really, what do babies need when they are this young? They need love, someone to feed and care for them, sleep and lots of talking and interaction when awake. Does she need a baby sensory class yet? Not really, as everything in our house and our yard is already stimulating. Eventually she will get older and I look forward to taking advantage of these opportunities, but now cuddles are my number one priority.
What is his name? Heathrow Terminal 3 Parking
ReplyDeleteHe is very beautiful. luton airport meet and greet
ReplyDeleteHandsome little fellow.
Handsome young health fellow.