Sunday, July 24, 2011


This trip is fantastic- we are doing amazing things everyday. Today was different than the rest. It was not an "extreme" day in the outdoorsy aspect, but in the emotional aspect it was very extreme. Let me start by introducing my friends. In our group we have 40 people coming from 3 countries and 30 states. We come from wide and far to explore our Jewish heritage. This is also the least religious Jewish group I have ever met. It makes them quite interesting.

So today we went to Yom Hashoah, the holocaust remembrance museum. It was very powerful for many of us, as we were armed with a knowledgeable guide and powerful testimonies, pictures, and explanations. 1.5 million children, 6 million Jews total, and countless more minorities were murdered in the holocaust. It was very emotional as we weaved through the museum starting with WWI and ending with the reconstruction of the lives of those who lived.

We also we fortunate enough to hear a holocaust survivor story. He was young during the holocaust, and luck let him live. Really, he told the story of life the holocaust - finding family, a home, love, safety. We tend to think that as soon as someone is liberated they are okay. This is not the case. Many more people suffered because after being released from the concentration camp they had no where to go, nothing to build on, nothing at all.

After a quick lunch we went to Mt. Herzal, the military cemetery attached to the holocaust museum. It showed the fighting and courage and vision of the people to create a Jewish state. Do I believe that Israel always makes the right choices? No, of course not. Do I always agree with them? No I sure don't. But after the museum I realize how important it is to have a place that accepts Jews, no matter what. After the holocaust only Great Britain and another country in South America who strived to give people hope.

Today was very heavy, but important. Why do we remember? Why are we still fighting? This is what we should always ask ourselves here in Israel.

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