Before little Wriggles arrived, I made a promise to myself that Handstands would not become a blog only about babies and parenting. I would think and write about other things! Interesting thing! I would not lose myself or my writing!
I can see all you parents out there laughing and shaking your heads. I put my hands up and admit that everything I have to say and everything I think about is influenced by my baby girl. My daily conversations are generally with other parents, complaining about sleep (or lack thereof), teething, cajoling our babies to eat, naps, losing the baby weight, eating cake, juggling parental responsibilities, childcare, starting work again etc. etc. During the day I use my brainpower to think ahead and plan the next feed, next nap, next change. Then interacting with Ellie, talking to her, pointing, reading, playing, singing and helping develop this perfect little person.
When Paul and I get a moment to chat sans-baby, we usually end up talking about Ellie. Or sitting around looking at pictures and videos of her. Sometimes we try to make normal, adult conversation but those are rare times. The tiny moments of me time I sometimes manage to find at the end of a long day are often filled with something easy and mindless. The day has left me exhausted and I want nothing more than to curl up in a small ball, drink a glass of wine and then go to bed early in hopes of catching a few zzzz's before Ellie wakes up again. Gone are the relaxing days of sitting in the back yard on a sun lounger reading Time and Discover and Readers Digest and devouring novel after novel. The only reason I "read" anything is that I use audiobooks while I feed Ellie or take her on walks. No longer can I pop to the gym whenever I see a class that interests me. Everything is planned around Ellie - that's parent life!
So now, instead of fighting against it, I'm just going to embrace it. My life is controlled by an adorable little dictator who demands my attention and tells me what to do every moment of the day. Even when she is asleep, I am constantly on edge waiting for her to wake up. Of course my whole world is wrapped around her, that's what happens when you have kids. I know that she will keep growing up and although I'll never be less involved, children do generally make less demands on your time as they get older and more independent. I know these first years are precious and short and already flying by too quickly. So instead of trying to think of something interesting or clever to write about, I'm going to try to just write about my life, as boring as that might be to many readers without children. Sorry in advance - you've been warned!
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