Saturday, June 1, 2013

Long Time No See! A Random Smattering of Updates from Me!

So, every now and then I remember that I have a blog and I think, "Hey! I should write something!" Then I get really busy, and forget and another week goes by and I haven't written anything. Wash, rinse, repeat. Today I only happen to be on this site because I accidentally clicked on the bookmark link. Then I decided it has been far too long, especially for those of you that might use this blog as your means of communication with me. So here's the quick update on life, the universe, and everything:

School has only 4 weeks left, which means I'm running around like a chicken with her head cut off. Today I spent the entire day shopping for, and then creating, the costumes for my students in my theatre class because Amazon was going to deliver two weeks late. Yikes. We perform on Monday and Tuesday and I am just praying the kids make it through without any major incidents and remember at least half of their lines. I've just been given a pile of book reports, everyone's final stories and poetry books, and essays will be handed in during the next few weeks, then there are reports to write and meetings and graduation... it never seems to end... Until, June 28th that is :)

My online school is busier than ever as children try to finish before the summer. I had over 50 assignments to grade today... it was a long few hours. I'm finding more and more kids turning in sloppy assignments half done just to get them done. Unfortunately, I don't accept sloppy. This means lots of work for me!

Two weekends ago Paul and I went to visit a house in Rosewell (near Edinburgh) that we want to buy. We have been looking for a house for over a year now, waiting for something to come on the market that we really wanted. Then suddenly, there it was, the house of our dreams.
It had every little single detail that I wanted in a house. We loved it so much we knew we had to go see it, so off we went. Paul's parents met us there and we toured this house, along with some other houses that we liked in the area. This house was far and away the winner. We got home, got our finances together and made an offer. Less than a week later, they had accepted our offer! So things are moving along nicely, and hopefully within a month we will have our house. We are planning on renting it out for a year while we finish up our contracts in Switzerland. Then this will be our lovely, beautiful home. Come visit! There's an amazing guest room with ensuite.
There's your room! Just picture yourself here, with us :)
When we got home from Edinburgh, we were having a few glasses of wine to celebrate, when my lovely flatmate Matt suggested I do a half Ironman with him in September. I thought it sounded like a brilliant idea! So I paid 235 euros and signed up. Oh, and while I was on a roll I decided to do the Lausanne olympic length tri to warm up. It goes up this lovely hill like 7 times. Yay. 
Kill me now!
I bought a real bike, not just a mountain bike, to start training. Unfortunately for me it hasn't stopped raining in a month and it's quite dangerous to ride in rain like this with no traction on the tires. So I continue to train on my mountain bike and I'm crossing my fingers for better weather. But my training has started in earnest this week with a workout everyday except Friday. All I can say is that I am completely exhausted, and looking forward to summer when the only thing I have to do during the day is my workout. How do people work normal jobs?

In other random news, my right eyebrow has been twitching on and off for about a week now. I think my students must think I'm going a bit crazy or I've turned into a monster. Anyone else have this weird problem?

The things I am most looking forward to this summer are:
1. Cottage in Wales with our Bristol friends (and a cute toddler!)
2. Alaska with my family!
3. Matt's wedding in Canada
4. Sleeping in ALL THE TIME (okay, probably only until 9am, but still)

That's about all folks! I'll try to be a better poster and perhaps even have something interesting to say next time. Until then, enjoy the rain!


  1. Wow! That house looks amazing. Congratulations!!
    Can't wait to see you, remind me of the weekend of the tri in Lausanne? As we were there last year, it might be nice to come and cheer you on this time. ;)

    see you soon.
    ps - twitching facial muscles are a sign of tiredness, early nights for you missy, particularly with all the extra exercise. xxx

  2. Woo hoo!!! Amazing news about the house! :D So excited you'll be that little bit closer. It's only a wee plane hop away!
    Congratulations anyway, and I'll look forward to celebrating in July. It's going to be great fun :)

    Like Anna said, twitchy eyebrow = tiredness. And stress! I always get it when I'm over-doing it. Got it a lot around the wedding! :)

    Much love

  3. Thanks for the comments ladies! Can't wait to spend a week with you in Wales getting my eyes to stop twitching and just relaxing :)

  4. Liz!!!! Your blog is awesome. Leave it to me to wait until RIGHT when my semester starts to get all into your stories.
