So what has happened in the last 2 months? Paul and I went to Florence to run a marathon and we got to meet our friends, Anna and Rob there. School finished for winter break and Paul and I flew uneventfully home. We were whisked from the airport to our family Skip-Bo party where I saw so many people I love. Then the days sprinted past me with time spent with my family, friends, and neighbors. We had a lovely Christmas Eve, then Christmas Day, then a baby shower for Andrea, then a New Years Eve, then another uneventful flight home. See? You didn't miss anything. As usual I had a fantastic time while home and stuffed myself full of sushi and Mexican food - yum! Let's not even get into the margaritas and the Blue Moon that I am still dreaming of... Here are some pictures from our holiday :)

Andrea's Baby Shower

New Year's Eve / Last Day
After arriving back in Lausanne I had a few short days to unpack and prepare for my classes before the rush started again. It never seems to end, does it? By the end of the first day of work I was counting the days until my next holiday. Only four more days of work left before a three day weekend. I forgot how exhausting teaching is! Today (Saturday) is the first day since October when I have been home, without any coursework to do, any just been able to relax and do nothing. What a wonderful feeling! Tomorrow we are snowboarding so we'll be up early heading out to the powder filled slopes.
So what have you been up to in the last 2 months? If we haven't caught up recently, send me a shout! Things are finally beginning to get back to almost normal :)
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