Surprise! I am sitting in another airport. Am I the only one who feels like we spend 25% of our lives traveling? People commute to and from work, to and from stores, to and from activities, and in my case, to and from countries and continents. It is my second trip to America in 2 months, and I will be returning again in August to see my grandparents and watch my cousin Dave finally marry Cassie. And as joyful as it is to see family, I sometimes feel like a permanent fixture on the buses, trains, and planes in Switzerland.
I wonder how much extra time I would get to do things if I just stayed at home. I do work from home in the summers, and it is nice waking up in my pjs and not having to commute anywhere. But then I get bitten by the travel bug and I am back on a plane.
I actually quite enjoy travelling. Well I don't like the security checkpoint, passport control or waiting for the flights, connecting to buses and trains. But I do like when I am on an international flight, with in-flight (in the seat in front of me), and I can just relax. I am small enough that I have plenty of space in the seats, and I can sleep on the tray-tables. When I have a good book I can read for 8 hours straight and not feel guilty. I should have taken an international flight after Harry Potter 7 came out :)
I also really like getting to a new destination (especially when they speak English and have sushi!). There are so many interesting places out there, and I have only seen a very small fraction of them. I think someone should invent a teleporter so we can just instantly arrive wherever we need to go. Think of how much time would be saved!
So tonight I will be in NY, and I am going to try my hardest to stay on the Swiss schedule. This means sleeping earlier and waking up earlier, but I don't want to be even more jet-lagged when I fly back to Israel on Monday. This is another problem with travel - my body is always very confused. When I flew home for the wedding, I kept waking up between 4-5 a.m., ready to go. The problem was no one else had started their day. I will continue to update on the effects of back to back international flights. It is going to be interesting.
Oh I almost forgot - I am flying economy premier (whatever that means). I got upgraded just because I have a frequent flyer card. I am hoping for business class on my way back. Cross your fingers!
My next update will be in NY. America, here I come!
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