It is friday afternoon and I am eating a quick lunch before I head off to work. Usually I ride my bike the 15-20 minutes, but my knee has been hurting since I biked on Wednesday, so I think I will take it easy. I know I am lucky that I only really have to be at work from 2-3:30 on Fridays, but I have a ton of curriculum work sitting on my shoulders that I really should do. But I am really tired. Not the kind of tired where I want to sleep. The kind of tired that needs a holiday weekend. Lucky for me I fly back to America next Wednesday but it just doesn't seem to be coming soon enough.
Yesterday is a perfect example of my life - I got up at 7:30, got some work emails done, responded to students, etc. Packed up and biked off to Les Petites Acrobats to teach my little preschoolers. They were cute, easy, and we sang songs, colored, etc. After 2 hours I packed up and headed to the main school. There I met my replacement, a very nice girl named Lauren from South Africa. I spent the next hour and a half telling her about the kid's routine, songs, curriculum, games etc. Lunch time came and went quickly, then I was prepping for my middle school geography class. I taught that (last one of the year!) and then got on my bike to ride home. I threw my bag down, grabbed by book, gave Paul a quick kiss before sprinting to catch the bus. It was time for my next job.
In my "free time" (hah) I tutor a 12 year old named Maxi and watch out for a 4 year old named Aurelia. Yesterday I was to pick up Aurelia from her preschool. I had to convince them to let me take her because I guess her mom had forgotten to call in. Aurelia and I got snacks at a nearby store, then walked to the bus stop. Unluckily for us, we had just missed our bus, and another one wasn't coming for an hour. So we sat on the street corner, her picking flowers, me wishing I was home. An hour and 10 minutes later our bus rolled up. We got to the train station only to find that we had just missed our train. Another hour later, we had finally made our train, then the second bus, then the short walk to the house. The whole ordeal took more than 2 hours. In a car it would have taken 15 minutes. Sometimes I miss having a car. In the cities public transport is awesome, but out in the country it is few and far between. Anyway, Aurelia and I finally got back to the house, only for the mom to call and say she would be home at 11 or so - that would mean I got home around midnight. Unluckily she came home just late enough for me to miss the 11pm train, so I waited at the station for the train at midnight. I finally ambled home at 12:45. Not exactly the most fun Thursday. Can you see why I need a vacation?
I still had to check student emails and I should have done some grading, but I didn't, I just fell to sleep.
Today is better, because I don't have to leave until after 1pm to get to work, but I have all this work just waiting on my computer. I guess I will do it once I get home before the weekend starts. Paul is at the airport now waiting to fly to Amsterdam for his stag-do and I already miss him. I would have liked to spend last night with him but c'est la vie.
I am totally that kid a week before vacation. I am SO over working right now, and just ready to fly home. 6 days and counting...
(and WOW this blog is all over the place - I will try to do less complaining next time and more interesting writing)
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