I am grateful, at least, that I'm still quite comfortable and mobile at the end of the pregnancy. Other than rolling over in bed (which is painful/uncomfortable) and fitting behind the steering wheel, I still haven't encountered any real problems. If Wriggles needs two more weeks to finish baking, then so be it.
Hah, I say that now, but how will I feel in another week?
Hah, I say that now, but how will I feel in another week?
I have only just started dipping my toes into all the "it might induce labor" myths - long walks, curry, pineapple, bouncing on my birth ball etc. Without work to keep me busy and with all the nesting already done, I'm struggling to fill my time up. I don't want to do anything too exhausting, but I'm supposed to keep active and upright to encourage Wriggles into a good position. What did all you mamas do out there when waiting for your baby to arrive? I know that in less than two weeks Wriggles will be here (they don't let you go THAT overdue!) but those two weeks kind of feels like an eternity!
A girl in my pregnant-yoga class made a very good observation yesterday. It's like you've been training for an ultra-marathon for the past 9 months and you know it's almost time to start. But it could be at any moment in the next few hours/days/weeks and you don't know when! So you have to enjoy your time, but also rest. Eat enough food in case it starts during the night, but not too much. Always be on the lookout and ready for signs, but not be anxious. Because at any moment someone could shout, "Go!" and the race has started!
A girl in my pregnant-yoga class made a very good observation yesterday. It's like you've been training for an ultra-marathon for the past 9 months and you know it's almost time to start. But it could be at any moment in the next few hours/days/weeks and you don't know when! So you have to enjoy your time, but also rest. Eat enough food in case it starts during the night, but not too much. Always be on the lookout and ready for signs, but not be anxious. Because at any moment someone could shout, "Go!" and the race has started!