At first it seemed like we had just met and gotten married. Everything still seems new and exciting and fun (and I'm happy about that!).
And then when I start to look back and think through our lives, it feels like we've been together ten years (or more!). Our many years living with flatmates, our multitude of trips and adventures, our trials, illnesses and fun moments, and now finally living together in our own house, making our own lives. I wonder how we managed to squeeze so much life into such a short period of time.
To celebrate our anniversary, Paul and I drove to nearby Loch Lomond and stayed in a B&B. I wanted us to do something a little out of the ordinary for this anniversary. Every year in Switzerland we'd just meet for dinner at our favorite restaurant. That was nice, but not especially memorable. Doing something different helps things stick out in your mind a bit more, which is what I wanted.
The weekend was wonderful, and included big delicious meals, a lakeside beer, and some quality time together. We drove around the lake a bit to enjoy the view, but (would you believe it?) it was raining cats and dogs, so we didn't stay out long. It was a beautiful setting for an anniversary, and somewhere I definitely want to return to (minus the rain!)
So happy anniversary to my wonderful, loving, caring, kind, generous husband. Thank you for the last 5 years, and I'm looking forward to many, many more (70? 80? 100!). You're stuck with me forever sweetie, so let's keep having an amazing time!